Within every person on earth, there lies a spark of stardust buried deep within - a remnant of the aftermath of the Big-Bang when life on earth began; a spark responsible for the core of each person’s most sincere self. Most people don’t even know this spark within them exists. But for the Particles on FELS, stardust is everything. The driving force of each silly, heartfelt episode centers around one of the Ten Particle Principals: LOVE * KINDNESS * TRUST * GENEROSITY * EMPATHY * RESPECT * COMPASSION * MINDFULNESS * ACCEPTANCE * INTENTION.

In this 30-minute animated, children’s musical series, the stars shine brightly on the Particles of FELS, a dimension of the universe yet unknown to humankind, where stardust is alive. Originally developed with BLMKT, the rights are now available for option via A3 Artists Agency.


The Key


Penelope Was Here