Based on improvised bedtime stories told to Sandy by her dad, this series focuses on best friends Daphne & Daisy, and the magical dollhouse they discover. In every episode, the friends open a new door (sometimes even more than one!) and embark on a new adventure. In time, the secrets of the key and the magic of the dollhouse begin to reveal themselves. The bonds of Daisy and Daphne’s friendship are tested - yet endure from episode to episode. With each adventure, whether the girls are astronauts headed towards the moon, or rock stars headlining a sold-out concert, whether they are doctors performing emergency surgery, or marine biologists rescuing a family of whales, or even when they make it all the way to the oval office (!), Daisy and Daphne must rely on each other’s strengths while recognizing the power within themselves, in order to achieve each task and succeed. The possibilities are endless! These little girls can do anything!

This 30-minute series was originally developed with Marvista Entertainment and is now available for option via A3 Artists Agency.


Rated P For Parenthood

